Wagon Trains -- Bird Pioneer Ancestor's

This was the mode of transportation for the majority of pioneers crossings the plains between 1847 and 1869 when the railroad finally opened up. Walter Bird & Thomas Tew were the first of our Bird ancestors to travel with these wagon train companies in the year 1851. The were the first two English settlers in the city of Springville, UT 1852.
Hey buddy I can't believe all that you have done. Thanks for orienting me around your site. Has grandma seen all that you've done? I'm sure that seeing this would be so fun for her. Anyway, Car and I will be out here until 2012 assuming I pass all my classes (fat chance). Thanks again for helping me out.
I have heard so many great stories about "Uncle" J. Emmett Bird. He was Stake President of the Kolob Stake when my "uncle" Maurice Bird served as a Bishop.
Uncle Emmett was call uncle by most of the cousins Dean said, because he was so much older than the rest. He was son of John Oliver Bird who was the oldest son of Walter and Arabella Hailey Bird.
What is your relation to the Bird family? You mentioned being a great grandson to Rhoda Bird Beardall. Do you have stories, pics, histories that you could share with me? I have a lot that I would love to share with you!
Devin Bird