Kiwanis Club 2008 - Bird Family

The Kiwanis club has been a special service organization to our Bird family members for the past 60 or more years. Grandpa George Bird was the President in the early 50's, then Leland Bird was President in the 80's, Uncle Calvin was President in 2005-06, and now I'm the President elect, or President for 2008-09.
This picture is of Uncle Cal & Aunt Linda, as well as Danny and I serving scones and homemade root beer at the annual Art City Days Carnival. We open up the week of the carnival from Wednesday to Saturday. It's the biggest here of all the booths and it's been a long standing tradition not only of the Kiwanis club, put even Springville LDS church groups before (Uncle Alan's stake originally started it in the 80's or 90's).